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Cultivating Resilience in Children

We all want to nurture resilience in our children, but how? In our post-pandemic, hyper-competitive, anxiety-ridden times, this can feel like an especially daunting challenge. Join us for an interactive presentation with Jessica Field, a mental health provider and spiritual wellness coach with decades of experience providing spiritual and mental health care in clinical settings, mentoring children and teens in foster care, working as a case manager, running groups for teens, and working as a Spiritual Wellness Provider at Canyon Ranch Wellness Resort. In addition to best practices for mental health and thriving, Jessica highlights the surprising research that a healthy, holistic sense of a child's natural spirituality - independent of religious affiliation or practice - is the number one preventative factor for depression, anxiety, drug use, and other risky behaviors in the teenage years. Being resilient does not mean we live a life without suffering; it means that we are resourced for the challenges before us and able to tolerate the discomfort of our emotions in the face of them.  This workshop will provide you with practical tools and strategies for how to help your children (and yourself) tap into that deepest part of self - the part that intrinsically seeks belonging, connection, meaning, and purpose – so that you do not simply bounce back from the tough times but become stronger from them.

You and your children are welcome at Community Dinner in the Parish Hall from 6pm - 6:30pm. Here is the link to RSVP for dinner. Childcare will be provided from 6:30pm - 7:30pm during the workshop. 

April 23

Eucharist Service at The Forum

April 27

Sheep Shearing and Fiber Arts Festival