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Bearing Witness: Lenten Study

Our Lenten Study this year centers the lives and stories of Christians living in the Holy Land. This year we'll join Episcopal congregations across the country in a five-week series called Bearing Witness created by the American Friends of the Diocese of Jerusalem. Many in our community are grieved and horrified by the violence unfolding in Israel and Gaza. This series, produced before the war began, centers the lives of Christians and the ministry of the Anglican church in this blessed and broken corner of creation. We'll hear directly from lay and ordained leaders, learn more about the day to day life in Israel and Palestine, and come to understand more deeply the challenges and opportunities of our brothers and sisters in Christ who live and move and have their being in the same land as Jesus. Each of the five sessions focuses on a theme of Jesus’ ministry: Belonging, Healing, Teaching, Breaking Barriers, Building Hope. All are welcome! 

Our Lenten Study kicks off with a potluck in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, February 21st from 6pm - 7:30pm. There is no Community Dinner that week so we'll hold the whole session in the Parish Hall. In the weeks that follow, we'll all gather for Community Dinner and eat from 6pm - 6:30pm, then everyone interested in the study will be invited to one of our classrooms from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. We'll provide additional childcare supervision of the Parish Hall during that hour for any parents with young children. The series runs from Wednesday, February 21st through Wednesday, March 20th. 

February 17

Convivium Choir Concert “Reaching for Light”

February 23

Hiking Group